* From Faradion website - check it out! Watch the video! Check out the Na-ion website! nationenergie.com
* Faradion is a UK company [now also based and selling in Australia as Nation Energie, Level 2, 1 Collins Street, Melbourne
* They have produced and are selling batteries based on salt crystals! - no lithium or cobalt here! - just saltwater!!
* The batteries are made from recyclable plastic - so all components are recyclable - over and over again!
* The batteries are 'sustainably made without lithium, cobalt or copper with therefore very low lifetime carbon emissions'
* Faradion claims:
@ 'Safer with low flammability, high flash point and discharge to Zero energy capability'
@ 'Powerful across temperatures from -20C to 55C'
@ '93% efficiency'
@ 'Designed to work with rooftop solar OR replacement for diesel generation in households and commercial industries'
@ 'At least 1/3 less cost than other batteries currently available'.
If you are in the market for a household or commercial/industrial storage battery - worth checking out!
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